DRG E60 / BR 160 Elektrolokomotiven
By Plastikman
With animated rods.
Model By plastikman
Textures from photos found on the internet
New Sounds By Plastikman
DRG E60 / BR 160 Elektrolokomotiven
By Plastikman
With animated rods.
Model By plastikman
Textures from photos found on the internet
New Sounds By Plastikman
Bitte wie immer prüfen und Rückmeldung geben. Danke.
Ich hab halt nicht die Zeit, explizit jedes neue File zu testen. Und Sebastianeh, der das immer gemacht hatte, ist nicht mehr so oft zu Gange hier. Deshalb bitte ich euch User, dies zu übernehmen.
Ich habe sie schon vor einigen Tagen getestet. Die fährt Super. Leider nicht von mir. :zwinkern:
das nenn ich mal ein modell... very nice
i'm watching youre work since the beginning and every of piece of youre work got me playing loco even longer...
before you made youre creativ break youre work set the scale for every upcoming modell and only a hand of modellers (at the first place sq) cacompare there work with youres... and now i'm watching at this beatiful piece of german (a sahme that is it bavarian...) engineering... youre still the greatist of all this fucking freaks... cheers to johnm... cheers plastikman
exucuse my bad english but i wanted to say you that a very long time
und now how about some japanese trains for ng? *dogeyes*
/jetz war ich so happy das ich vergessen hab runterzuladen
Thank you,
I'm glad You like it. I was planning on doing several of the E- Lok's,
I Even have the E17 done. Walter said he wanted to do those so ill let him. (I think he has relaesed a few since we talked about it a a while back. )
I still plan on making the E63 since it is very similar and it needs moving rods also. I was waiting on feedback on the E60 before I started the E63.
No, a mistake. I want the E63 and E91 :zwinkern:
letzteres ist ne gut wahl
walter hasst du wirklich was dagegen wenn plastikamn seine e17 veröffentlicht?
ich würde mich riesig drüber freuen wenn ich die hätte^^
and yes! he read and understood it... now im like moses i talked to god and he answared (maby some other did but i dont know one of them^^)
Ich habe nie gesagt das ich was dagegen habe.
John, please publish your E17. :kopfnicken:
hätt mich auch gewundert
Ok, now I'm Confused, Walter Catch Me on MSN and we can figgure this out. But I made the E60 like "legos" so it can be turned into an E60, E63 and Mak 850-BB. then, maybe turned in into a Mak 102-BB, I'm not sure untill i see a blueprint they all seem similar enough.
The E91 should be simple enough.
I Don't need to release the E17, Yours is already out. I don't have any textures for mine anyways, just the model. I would still have to paint it.
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