Support -> AU QR EDI Bombadier IMU/SMU Trainset - Updated

  • [webdisk]3183[/webdisk]AU QR EDI Bombadier IMU/SMU Trainset

    Supplied by EDI Rail's joint venture with Bombardier at EDI Rail's Maryborough facilities
    in Queensland. The value of the contract is approximately $212 million.

    These vehicles are the latest generation of narrow gauge trains in Australia,
    and have been developed from a service proven portfolio of vehicles now in
    service in both Perth and Brisbane. "The vehicles are stainless steel, air
    conditioned and run on 25 kV propulsion. They are supplied as three-car sets,
    and can be coupled to form six-car sets.

    In Service: 2008
    Obsolete: Never
    Passengers: 450
    Max Speed: 81 mph
    Weight: 220 t
    Power: 1,850 hp

    Original MSTS model made By: Russell Beer

    NOTE: I ran these in Lomo to look for errors but hadn't noticed any, but, I may not have run them thru
    every possibility so if someone sees anything wrong with them, please inform me and I'll fix it. Thanks

    EDIT: I've updated this today. This looked a little too bland to me and I wanted to do something about it but wasn't sure what I COULD do. So I searched the forum and again, Strongbow had the answer. Thanks again Strongbow. I raised the contrast on them and I think they look better now. And noofnoof said I had the release date wrong so I changed that too. Please let me know what ya'll think. Thanks...

    EDIT2: I switched out the updated file because I found out that I had the wrong release date. Sorry to the person who downloaded it. It's corrected now..

    [webdisk]3179[/webdisk] [webdisk]3189[/webdisk]

  • I'm sorry about that Sabrina. I had 2 different versions in the file but had to remove the narrow guage train because I didn't have it setup correctly. I forgot to take out the reference to the narrow guage train from the readme. I'll get it working eventually and repost it but it'll be a while before I'll have it done...

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