Beiträge von iroscan

    Last edit for this post:)... I fix it guys thanks for your all help.It works exactly and properly.I'll try all mod I have and which mods crashed with your S-BAHN Mod I'll posted here step by step.

    I deactivated all mods except mod manager and the other 3 mods(vehicle manager, united trans and S-Bahn mod) but some part of mod that I wanna use game crashed again.standart train path use properly but stations that ı used game crashed

    By the way thank you for your effort and sugges..

    First of all I'll thankfully modder for this mod.I don't know german and I rarely understand what you talk about because of it Im writing in English.I ınstalled this mod but ıt doesn't work properly.Installations is okay, menu and everything is okay except some issue... I cant set any S-Bahn part"station,path and etc." because game fall down and I back windows desktop.And In game vehicle menu S-bahn section has no vehicle.I have these problem about this mod.

    THANK YOU modder it's great mod and I could use this mod I'll be even happier:)