Beiträge von Taggart

    Hello i am new on this site. I don't speak dutch, i am from France and i can write and read english. Hoping that we will understand each other.
    So i come here to report a dependencies missing on you Niddertalbahn road on TANE.
    I have downloaded the map and i also have buy one session for it : Laadgs Car collector and Laadgs Car for Stockheim.
    On the map, i have unknown dependancies for two items : "Shape closing signal 4m v5" and "Shape signal Sr1/2/3 8m flat v5".
    The unknown kuid are : kuid:263713:8150, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68
    Is there a way to find them somewhere ?

    Thanks for reading me.

    have a nice day.