Beiträge von douglasrac

    I would like to extract the warning sounds of CSL. That "bing" when some advice appear on the screen. Similar to the chirp-it sound, but not that one.

    I thing it would fit very well as notification sounds on my phone :)

    Hi, I would like to share my way of organizing the lines. I name them like this:

    - Type (F (Feeder), T (Trunk), E (Express) - Depot Number - Zone - Number of vehicles per hour on timetable

    So when I see: E-2-A-3, means feeder express line on depot 2, serving on zone A, releasing 3 vehicles per hour.
    Or E-1-AB-4, means the line serve on zone A and B.

    The good thing is that I can easily identify the timetable with this system, the area and the depot that is serving it.

    But I like the system of CIMotion, is very useful. Maybe I can put it on mine, like: E-2-A-3-10.30.50 (meaning 3 vehicles per hour being released at 10, 30 and 50 minutes).

    Would be good to have someone to review it. The latest version didn't have translation in the last lines and the button was on top of the text. I can do a layout review but nothing about the text as I don't know the language. I will wait a bit, if nobody appears to help I will publish this way.

    Well its already published in the link I told you. If you want to publish here just copy all the files.

    I will updated my links with the German Version. I will put a version on it, in order for us to be able to track the different versions. Right now I'm working on a section for the Map Editor.


    Finally I remade the entire guide and I'm releasing the source files in order to avoid any future loses.
    The new version contain several fixes in grammar mistakes and some text where updated others removed.

    If you could translate it using the source files, that would be great.

    Use Articulate Storyline software to translate.


    - Flash
    - HTML5 (Safari and mobile support)
    - Mobile
    - Source Files

    ============================= IMPORTANT Information about the use of the Source Files =============================
    The guide is being released under copyleftlicense. Still I ask you to not go publishing guides with small modifications. Ask me first and I will include your suggestions in the main guide, otherwise we will end up with a mess of several different versions.
    The main reason for releasing the source files is to make people be able to translate the entire guide, easily, to any language.
    But feel free to make your own version of the guide if you think its necessary.

    Thanks! That was very fast. I will start translating the guide now. I will need one more thing: Interactive timetables, item 2.8. If someone could translate the subtitles, I will put that into TTS german, and we have the voice in German as well.

    P.S.: Im afraid I have very bad news. I unintentionally deleted the source file of the guide. I already used 3 different programs to recover deleted files with no luck.

    I will need to re-do the entire guide to put the German version alive. I'm sorry for those who put an effort to translated it. I will re make the guide, because I want to continue updating and add a new section for the Map Editor, but I can't promise it will be soon. There is a lot less motivation when you are doing a re-work. :(

    Change log of first update:

    - Removed Basset-Lowke hoster. It was designed at first to guide through the entire tutorial but at the end he only appeared in the first slide.
    - Corrected answer for question about zones 3.1.
    - Correct the text in Zones. One zone do have monthly option. The only ticket without monthly option is Single ticket.
    - Corrected keys for 45 degrees change. Not Q and E but Left and Right arrows. As the game does not have an option Reset to default, I'm not sure about those. Please report me if I'm wrong again.
    - Removed Employees description, that was the same as reputation.
    - Added that drivers satisfaction decrease with crowded vehicles.
    - Added that buses overtake other buses if they are from different lines.
    - Added the information that roads with sidewalks don't grow buildings if the area is set to not grow buildings in the map editor.
    - Added the information that a vehicle will be sent to its schedule even if its late, but not too late.
    - Added the information that 2 circular lines in the opposite direction will make the game understand the area has better coverage. Which is true since this design offers more efficient routes.
    - Corrected that lines should start and end in the SAME depot.
    - Added the information that you can bulldoze a small segment of a road by adding intersection at the start and at the end of the part you want to bulldoze.
    - Corrected wrong font in several pages.


    I'm very happy to see an english part of this forum.

    I'm here to ask for help. There is a championship for Cities in Motion and it will start this Saturday! I would like someone that have knowledge in German, and could translate the information of the championship to German language.

    This is the page: Cities in Motion - Competition
    Only this page need translation. You can translate the page directly or just send me the translated text and I will take care to post it.

    Any help is really appreciated.



    Muss man alle 2 Monate Reparieren?

    Dies geschieht, weil das Fahrzeug Bedingung ist, die auf "Distanz". Die Mod nicht ändern Distanz, so dass der Fahrzeugzustand wird schnell zerfallen.
    Weiß jemand, wie man "Distanz" auf Null, wenn Reparatur des Fahrzeuges gesetzt?

    English version, sorry:
    This happens because the vehicle condition is related to "travel distance". The mod do not change travel distance, so the vehicle condition will decay fast.
    Does anybody know how to set "travel distance" to zero when repair the vehicle?

    Ich merke, dass ältere und schlimmstenfalls den Zustand eines Fahrzeugs ist, ist die Reparatur billiger Preis. Sollte nicht das Gegenteil?
    Ist es möglich, veröffentlicht eine neue Version der Mod, dass die Reparatur Preis fixist? Ich möchte die Reparatur Preis immer der Preis für ein neues Fahrzeug.

    I notice that older and worst is the condition of a vehicle, cheaper is the repair price. Shouldn't be the opposite?
    Is it possible to publish a new version of the mod, that the repair price is fix? I would like the repair price to be always the price of a new vehicle.

    This is what I get when I click to open the panel:

    Error: Runtime error in "addons/repairpanel/scripts/repairpanel.script" at line 254: Wrong number of arguments (6)!
    Error: Called from "addons/repairpanel/scripts/repairpanel.script" at line 128
    Error: Called from "addons/repairpanel/scripts/repairpanel.script" at line 112
    Error: Called from "addons/repairpanel/scripts/repairbar.script" at line 22
    Error: Called from "addons/repairpanel/scripts/repairbar.script" at line 15
    Error: Runtime error in "addons/repairpanel/scripts/repairpanel.script" at line