Authors: Thomas Deverell, Reinhard Adelmann
Region: Germany
Size: 1280x1280
Development: no
Population: 96797
Lindtstadt – one of the oldest cities of Germany, which is famous for the rich historical heritage, industry and picturesque cityscapes. Having been founded more than a thousand years ago, the city has always attracted attention of the world bohemians, scientists and financial magnates, who made a priceless contribution to the city development. With the flow of time the street plan and architectural appearance has been change a lot. Diversity of architectural styles of palaces, museums, theatres, exquisite park ensembles bears witness to a high cultural development of the city, and presence of the most well-known banks, old plants and companies made Lindtstandt the largest industrial and financial centre of Germany.
The beginning of the 20th century was marked by impetuous economic growth and population of the city quickly increased, that caused broadening of the borders of the city and its extension. In this connection appeared the urgent need in creating proper transport services, what was quite a difficult challenge. On the meeting of government was made a decision to open a long tram network, that could solve the encountered problems and organize public transportation on the territory of the city in the best way. This decision led Lindtstadt to come into being the world capital of trams.
Strictly follow the installation instructions. Only this way you can install this map and all the necessary mods
1. Open the main folder "Cities In Motion" (С:/Program Files(x86)/...../Cities In Motion), take the folders "addons" and "metro" and move them into a safe place on your PC. You will need them when you want to restore the game to its previous state before the installation of Lindtstadt map.
2. Unzip the file LINDTSTADT.rar
3. Open the folder LINDTSTADT. Take the folders "addons" and "metro" and put them into the main folder "Cities In Motion" (С:/Program Files(x86)/...../Cities In Motion)
4. Open the folder "My Documents - Cities In Motion" and put the contents to С:/Users/...../My Documents/Cities In Motion. Confirm the merging of folders.
5. Only if you have 64-bit operating system:
Install 4Gb Patch (The tool patches x86 executables in order to let them have 4GB (instead of only 2) of virtual memory on x64 platforms):
- Run the .exe-file
- Through command line point the CitiesInMotion.exe file (In the main folder of the game)
- Press the Ok button
6. Open the game and by using the Modmanager activate all the mods.
Above all the map is oriented on the tram-lovers, and , as strange as it may sound, the very city was built for trams, and not conversely. We kindly ask you to conceit to the fact, that the tram and railroad networks are the primary objects of the city planning, therefore many tram and railroad lines has already been built during the working on the map.
As many tram stops and railroad stations has already been built it is strongly recommended to start playing with the highest start-up capital and also using the cheat code (button F3), because from the very beginning a pretty high tax for the stop and station service will be withdrawn from your account.
By no means choose more than 20% of public transportation, since the population is high and even 20% of private cars will make quite big traffic jams in the city.
Special thanks to the creators of the mods which were used in creating this map:
SpannerMonkey, propheiy, Daemmer, ArkenbergeJoe, mediziner, Alex, Merk, eis_os, steveb, vanyfilatov, Rychu, SimComNet, DasMatze, klischee, DrmedWurst, rovapasi