Default Bridges w/ New Slopes added

  • I finally got around to doing all of these. freepokie had this idea after I made the new slopes but never did them all so now here they are. Instead of deciding what slope to put on what bridge, I added each slope to all 4 of the default bridges that didn't have slopes. Everyone has different tastes so I did it this way so everyone can choose which bridge with which slope they want to use. It might seem a little confusing for some but I think I covered everyones liking this way.

    I named the bridges as follows;

    BRDGGIRD-grass.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Grass
    BRDGGIRD-grass2.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Grass2
    BRDGGIRD-rock1.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Rock1
    BRDGGIRD-rock2.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Rock2
    BRDGGIRD-sand.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Sand
    BRDGGIRD-snow.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Snow
    BRDGGIRD-snow2.dat - Steel Girder Bridge Snow2

    BRDGSTAR-grass.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Grass
    BRDGSTAR-grass2.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Grass2
    BRDGSTAR-rock1.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Rock1
    BRDGSTAR-rock2.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Rock2
    BRDGSTAR-sand.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Sand
    BRDGSTAR-snow.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Snow
    BRDGSTAR-snow2.dat - Steel Arch Bridge Snow2

    BRDGSUSP-grass.dat - Suspension Bridge Grass
    BRDGSUSP-grass2.dat - Suspension Bridge Grass2
    BRDGSUSP-rock1.dat - Suspension Bridge Rock1
    BRDGSUSP-rock2.dat - Suspension Bridge Rock2
    BRDGSUSP-sand.dat - Suspension Bridge Sand
    BRDGSUSP-snow.dat - Suspension Bridge Snow
    BRDGSUSP-snow2.dat - Suspension Bridge Snow2

    BRDGWOOD-grass.dat - Wooden Bridge Grass
    BRDGWOOD-grass2.dat - Wooden Bridge Grass2
    BRDGWOOD-rock1.dat - Wooden Bridge Rock1
    BRDGWOOD-rock2.dat - Wooden Bridge Rock2
    BRDGWOOD-sand.dat - Wooden Bridge Sand
    BRDGWOOD-snow.dat - Wooden Bridge Snow
    BRDGWOOD-snow2.dat - Wooden Bridge Snow2

    I named the filenames like this so the original doesn't need to be overwritten. Just copy which bridge you want to use to the objdata folder. The internal names were not changed and Locomotion will use these bridges instead of the default bridge. If you would rather overwrite the default bridge, just delete the name of the slope after the default bridge filename.

    I also did not change any speeds or heights. When using the slopes to go 2 or more high, because some bridges have a roof, the second height and up will show the roof so ya won't wanna be trying to go more than one high with these just as the original earth slopes were like. You'll see what I mean if ya try it.

    Anyway, they're done and I hope ya'll get some use out of these and thank you freepokie for the idea.

    UPDATE: I was thinking about these and noticed that the suspension bridge had an 80 mph speed limit and if these are going to be used like the original earth slope, there shouldn't be any speed limit on them. So I changed the suspension bridges to unlimited speed and posted an updated file. The wooden bridge is still 15 mph.

